On the 24th of June 2022, Colonel Florin-Vasile TOMIUC, NATO HUMINT COE Director, was invited to participate in an event organized by the Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca and Aspen Institute Romania. The Role of NATO and European Union in modernizing Romania debate, between H.E. Mr. Mircea GEOANĂ, NATO Deputy Secretary General and co-founder of Aspen Institute Romania, and the Rector of by Babeș-Bolyai University, professor Daniel David PhD, moderated by Ms. Teodora Tompea, Digi 24 journalist, benefitted of a short intervention of the NATO HUMINT COE Director.
As an academic partner of Babeș-Bolyai University, the NATO HUMINT COE, through its representatives, is honoured to be invited to participate in these important events. As a NATO family member, we stay committed to the Alliance’s values, supporting and providing the best quality education, training, products and services in the NATO HUMINT domain.
The record of the event can be found at
Participation of the NATO HUMINT COE Director in The Role of NATO and European Union in modernizing Romania debate
Published on July 1, 2022