In the period 21-23 May 2024, NATO HUMINT COE (HCOE) hosted the 7th iteration of the NATO HUMINT Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Working Group, and the annual meeting of NATO HUMINT Education and Training (E&T) Community of Interest.
In the Global Programming framework, TNA represents the setting for initiating new educational solutions that answer NATO`s requirements. During the meeting, the HUMINT Requirement Authority and Department Head, in coordination with relevant stakeholders, have revised the current HUMINT Training Requirements Analysis and performed the task analysis for two new courses – NATO HUMINT Debriefing Course and NATO HUMINT Analyst Course – that will be further submitted for NATO certification. The proposed courses will augment HCOE’s educational portfolio, offering training opportunities in areas of major interest in HUMINT. The activity concluded with a design team workshop for aligning the training requirements to the intended courses’ schedules and establishing the delivery strategy.
Further, the NATO HUMINT E&T Community of Interest, which plays the role of Annual Discipline Conference for HUMINT, provided a venue for DH interaction with other Global Programming actors and educational solutions providers, in order to analyse E&T requirements, assess the opportunity for new courses, share best practices, and enhance the overall NATO HUMINT E&T programme. The participants were briefed on the HUMINT E&T status in NATO and several E&T related projects developed by HCOE – the revision of Questioning Techniques ADL based on modern technology implementation, conclusions after the pilot iteration of NATO Interrogation Management Course, the Debriefing Handbook, HUMINT Bootcamp’s outcome, and other initiatives and studies related to the human capital development in HUMINT.
NATO HUMINT Training Needs Analysis Working Group
Published on June 3, 2024