Last updated: April 3, 2024

Concept Development and Experimentation

HCOE Concept Development & Experimentation (CD&E) Section is responsible for developing and testing new strategies and methods to gather, analyse and disseminate Intelligence obtained through human sources, with the purpose to support the adaptation of NATO HUMINT community to future challenges, enabling structured development of creative and innovative ideas into viable solutions. CD&E Section works to identify new approaches to HUMINT collection and exploitation, as well as new technologies and tools to support these efforts. CD&E is an integral part of capability development and represents an essential element for the continuous transformation which keeps HCOE relevant and ready in today’s dynamic and complex security environment, ensuring its ability to carry out its roles effectively and efficiently.
HCOE CD&E Main Objectives are to:

  • Develop and refine HUMINT collection strategies and techniques to meet current and emerging Intelligence requirements.
  • Evaluate new technologies and tools to support HUMINT operations.
  • Test and refine new HUMINT analysis and dissemination methods to improve the speed, accuracy and relevance of Intelligence reporting.

HCOE CD&E key activities are:

  • Develop and refine HUMINT collection strategies and techniques to meet current and emerging Intelligence requirements.
  • Conducting market research and gather feedback from Intelligence stakeholders to identify emerging trends and requirements in HUMINT.
  • Developing and testing new HUMINT collection and exploitation strategies.
  • Experimenting new technologies and tools to enhance HUMINT operations.

CD&E recent projects & activities

  • AI leveraged Enterprise Agility – conclusion of a successful partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University and Intertechnica: “On 12 December 2022, the HCOE Concept Development team met with the Babes-Bolyai University – Department of Computer Science team and Intertechnica CEO in Cluj Napoca to mark the conclusion of the AI-leveraged Enterprise Agility project that spanned over the year 2022. The professionalism and enthusiasm of the BBU solution developers, coupled with the excellent coordination from the BBU professors as well as the valuable, constructive counselling from Intertechnica, fused together in what has proven to be the best solution for achieving the HCOE’s objective of exploring opportunities offered by current AI capabilities for the benefit of the organization. The success of this project has certainly set the grounds for future cooperation.
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  • HCOE representative delivering a business pitch during the event “Digital tools for mental health @ CS InnoHUB” where psychology and IT/mathematics were integrated in potential innovative products. The event was organized under the auspices of CS InnoHUB, whose mission is to guide the creation of innovative solutions based on technology and digital innovations to the main challenges and needs of society and economy, integrated into students’ entrepreneurial initiatives and supported by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Babeș-Bolyai University.
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  • HCOE representative delivering a speech regarding the AI Enterprise Agility project, at the conference Artificial IntelIigence 4.0, hosted by the Babes-Bolyai University (31 January, Cluj-Napoca)
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  • HCOE representative holding the presentation Artificial Intelligence today – Human Centric operations – AI breaktrough at the Cluj Innovation Days 2022 (online-hybrid format)
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  • Interview – Constantin Herțanu dialogue with NATO HUMINT Centre of Excellence representative – Cluj Military Journal (english resume transcript in pdf)
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Articles published by HCOE CD&E representatives to external magazines: